BOOKS: Histoires d'eaux
One powerful drop of water is enough to create a world and to dissolve the night. To dream of power, all that is needed is a drop imagined in depth. Water, thus galvanized, is a seed; it gives life a boundless force. Gaston Bachelard, Water and Dreams, 1942
It all started on September 19, 2020, when the Upper Hérault Valley, at the foot of Mont-Aigoual, located in the Gard (France) ,was ravaged by floods: 720 mm fell there, a year’s rain in twelve hours. Following that, and over the next 2 years, I prospected and explored the valley, to put the close ties between the valley’s inhabitants and the river into images.
64 pages / ISBN 978-2-9588476-0-9
19 € (shipping included)
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