PORTFOLIO: Terra Nullius, Australia: Terranullius_43_DAV2010-1201_D01_43

At the beginning of the 20th century many aborigines worked on stations as cattle breeders and held the reputation of being good horsemen. Nowadays few remain and only a handful of horse races are still organised by aboriginal communities such as in Santa Teresa, located dozens of kilometres from Alice Springs.  The event takes place without fanfare, banners or drums – only a few locals sell cold drinks from an icebox at the back of their vehicle. Two hours later the races are about to begin. As the last check before departure, the local security agent hands the breathalyser to the riders already saddled up. Santa Teresa, Northern Territory, Australia, 2011.

At the beginning of the 20th century many aborigines worked on stations as cattle breeders and held the reputation of being good horsemen. Nowadays few remain and only a handful of horse races are still organised by aboriginal communities such as in Santa Teresa, located dozens of kilometres from Alice Springs. The event takes place without fanfare, banners or drums – only a few locals sell cold drinks from an icebox at the back of their vehicle. Two hours later the races are about to begin. As the last check before departure, the local security agent hands the breathalyser to the riders already saddled up. Santa Teresa, Northern Territory, Australia, 2011.